MyySafe brings you the key to securing your family's future!

The MyySafe app allows you to store important information that you would like your next of kin to know about after your passing. This information includes but is not limited to different types of insurance policies, properties, bank accounts and fixed Deposits. No one has access to this information but you except when passing on your legacy! In addition, facilitators will have access to information such as blood group, current medications, organ donation, medical allergies etc., should you wish to input this in the app.

1. Download & Install

Search for MyySafe on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to download.

2. Set Up Your Account

Create an Account and Setup your profile to explore all our amazing app features.

3. Add MyyFam(ily)

Add 2 family members/close friends who will be the facilitators of your information.

4. Add MyyInfo

Add information about your insurance policies, properties, bank accounts, fixed deposits and more.

5. Record MyyWish Video

Create a 5 minute video for your beloved to express love, desires and your last wish.

6. Generate MyyWill

MyySafe provides you with an online Will drafting service. Using MyyInfo plus additional details, generate a Will in a few simple steps.

A sneak peak at what our app looks like and what you can expect!

So what are you waiting for? Lets preserve your legacy! Download the app now!